Secret Place

What is the “Secret Place”?

The “Secret Place” is that private, intimate space where we can meet with God—away from the noise and distractions of everyday life. It’s a quiet place for solitude, where we can connect with our Creator.

It’s funny—this practice of retreating to a quiet place has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up reading my Bible, praying, and journaling, all because of the example set by my mother. I would watch her dive into Scripture and spend time praying in our second living room, which my siblings and I named the “Prayer Room.” That room became a sacred space, where my parents prayed, read the Bible, and worshiped throughout our lives.

There were times when I thought they were a little too obsessed with Jesus, but when tough seasons hit, I quickly remembered those moments when my mom and dad would turn to prayer, seeking God’s wisdom, strength, and direction. In those difficult times, I found myself doing the same thing—praying and seeking God, just as they had modeled for me.

Years later, sitting in church with my family, our pastor talked about this same kind of space, which he referred to as the “Secret Place.” Ahh! It was like the perfect name for it. Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen; then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

This secret place is where I have cried, pleaded, repented, and sometimes even kicked and screamed. It’s where I’ve sought God’s direction and heard His voice speak into my life. It’s a beautiful privilege we have as Christians to access this holy moment, yet we often take it for granted. How often do we get so busy or distracted that we forget to spend even 5-10 minutes in this sacred space? How many times have we failed to thank God, seek His will, or ask for direction, only to find ourselves tangled up in messy situations or making poor decisions?

I know I’ve been guilty of this. It’s easy to forget the importance of these quiet moments with God. We can be a stubborn people, can’t we?

But thankfully, God doesn’t give up on us. He waits for us—beckoning us to come, to be with Him. What does that “Secret Place” look like, exactly? It can feel like an empty void—a sense of dissatisfaction, lostness, sadness, anxiety, or even depression. Throughout my life, I’ve experienced that empty feeling that nothing in the world could fill. Not partying, not drinking, not money or a career—none of those things can fill the space that belongs to God alone.

Here’s something I’ve noticed: on the mornings that I skip my time in the “Secret Place,” my day feels different. I react differently. I’m out of step, off balance, and more easily frustrated. It’s like I’m navigating the day without the grounding that comes from time spent with God. But when I begin my day in that quiet space with Him, everything shifts. I approach the day with more peace, direction, and clarity.

So, I encourage you, beautiful women—seek His face. Pour out your hearts and your deepest thoughts at His feet. He’s waiting for you, eager to meet you there and respond. Sometimes, when you pray or read the Bible, you may not feel anything right away or see immediate change. But don’t give up, keep pressing in. He will begin to transform your heart and your life. God is worthy, He is alive, He is powerful, and He speaks into our circumstances. We just have to take the first step and believe.

Be encouraged today: the Lord is for you, and He loves you. Seek His face.

Psalm 91:1: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”